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One Gram One Gold

When Satoshi Nakamoto Introduced BitCoin  as a digital analog to gold and secured by modern cryptography the price of Bitcoin skyrocketed from USD 0.25 Cent eight years ago, to USD2000 for a piece #BTC  in June 2017, and the market analysts predicted that it may go as high as USD 3K - 5K by year end.
Following Satoshi's footsteps, thousands of alternative Cryptocurrencies were established.
Even Satoshi created a sister CC of Bitcoin called #Ethereum. It is also to complement those who cannot by Bitcoin due to higher price while Ethereum's range is between USD200- 800 a Coin, as at the current CC market trending, it seems more affordable.
Despite it popularity for being a pioneer and  accepted by those who are players in stocks, comodity and also Forex due to lack of transparentness & several issues ect. Mainly the restriction, votality and barriers,  most importantly, the current CryptoCurrencies(CC) have not been design to match #ISLAMIC PRINCIPLE, so I have to look further for those who can offer CC that truely according to #SYARI'AH COMPLIANCE and momentom.
ONE GRAM (OG), is design to complement the needs of over 1.6 Billion Muslims which comprise 2/3 of the world population.
By compliance with Syariah's law, OG seems to be the right candidate to enter the Muslim Digital market. Why One Gram.
OG is backed by #One Gram Of Gold.
OG uses blockchain technology to creat new kind of Cryptocurrency whereby each coin is backed by one gram of gold at launch.
Historically gold is more resilient  and holds its worth better then any #Fiat money .
Particularly in times of #Economic Instability.
No currency can guarantee absolute stability, but OG limits your exposure to the downside risks.
Because the base price of OG  always at least equal to the spot price of gold. OG has a floor price.
Each OG transaction generate a small fee.
Unlike other Cryptocurrencies, in OG, this fee is reinvest to buy more gold, thus, the amount of gold raised, will backed more token.
OG is an #Asset, each transaction will increase the value of the asset.
To strengthen the confident level of OG client base, the management has tied an agreement with #GOLD GUARD, licened  with #DUBAI AIRPORT FREE ZONE (DAFZ)  to trade jewlry, mainly gold.established in 1996, Gold Guard has run its business within the boundries of Dubai International Airport. DAFZ is the fastest growing Free trade Zone in the region.
As mentioned above, OG is a syariah compliance where #Truthfullness  & #Transparency is it pillars. To make sure the the members abide with ISLAMIC virtue, #Zakat and #Sadakah will be automatically enforce in each transaction and also annually.
Finally, we now have a Cryptocurrency which follow the divinity of ISLAM so we can be apart of the ever evolve world of business and finance.
For reference:


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