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Making a living

We often ask ourselves at some point,
" What is there in life"
"Have we done something or repay any chance or hope which we have borrowed or perhaps stole from our future generation".
"A Legacy  or foot mark some where for our children and grandchildren to remember us with".
Most importantly" have we fulfil our duty as HIS humble servants".
I am just a normal person with lots and lots of handicaps & misfortunes, tons of unfulfilled responsibilities.
Not forgetting unmanned broken hearts,that is all i can say.
But now I just want to forget about it, not to say that I don't want to be bothered about it because no matter what. its all my responsibility and I have to be accounted for. To my wife, my Children and specially to my self, life must go on.
No body is perfect, nothing is perfect except Allah swt.
But if we have the right attitude, a good intention and concertrate planning, seriously focusing to do something in achieving our goals, the outcome will supprise us. Allah has promised us that.
Since I last had a career, i have been freelancing
With nothing to saving..I cannot even think on how to start a business.
My last  job was being a security guard( I have been up there, top executive and also deep down below) which I have experienced to my dismay which finally..  I was terminated.
But I cannot treat that as an excuse not to do something.
I have to eat and my immidiate family to attend to. We are in need of a  a place to stay and sleep. Now, for me, there is no other alternative except to wake up, even in this conditions of awareness.
With lots of disadvantages I am force to compete with the Y.Gen & Immigrants, especialy in a world where IT dominates almost every aspect of life, from human resource, politic, economy.
Even curencies are in the wire , #Cryptocurency as they call it, the trend nowdays .
I have no choice but to follow the flow, no matter how fast & tough it is, seeking opportunities outside normality box, away from the comfort zone.
When my friend advised me to look for #Toluna, a survey program that pays u money for your participation. Without further delay, I look in the web and joint the program.I have to.
I was quite happy at first, when #Toluna rewarded me in points form each time after I  completed a questionnaire I felt relieve & excited. At one time I could reach 6000 mark, but sadly those pointr was enaugh,  not even close for me to claim cash reward which requires a minimum 16000 point, thus, I gathered  enaugh point to buy snd participate in a lottery offered, whereby if i am lucky I would be rewarded with RM100, 200 or even 300 in my paypal accaunt. But so far nothing yet.
Out of curiosity I scroll over the web and found #Mobrog.
This market survey apps looks more attractive because it pays me in USD$1.16 to be exact if you finished & qualified the survey according to their terms and policy.
And I stick to #Mobrog, anxiously awaiting for the next invitation mail.They even have a Referral Button where by if my referral joined and take the the questionnaires, I would cashed in $USD 1. I have been working my butt promoting #Mobrog since then.
There are alot of companies and big organization who want to expand their businesses and maintane their domination the market cake racing their way to hire #Market Survey operators and they are willing allocate huge sum of money to fund such purpose.
As for me, perhaps this is just a tiny step for me to make a start in order to change my fate as Allah has written life path.


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